
This week we have been SO impressed with the children’s attitude: they are clearly delighted to be back at school. In Maths, we have been learning about the value of numbers and how the position of each digit informs of us of its value.

We have also been learning about the importance of lines of longitude and latitude in Geography and using these to locate different points around the word.

In Science we have made some basic circuits to recap on previous learning and begun to find about the pioneering work of scientists such as Benjamin Franklin and Michael Faraday.

Come to think of it, we’ve been so busy that we’ve forgotten to take lots of pictures of the children actually doing their work, so here are some pictures of what they have recorded in their books instead!

Enjoying the sunshine, we have been playing hockey.

Why read inside… when you can read in the warm sun outside?

Making the most of the lovely weather this week.

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