D-Day by Carley

I was in shock, shocked because the day had finally come; I had butterflies in my stomach. I felt sea sick but I did not want to show that I was scared. No one was smiling; they know that they could lose someone from their group. The fear of losing hit me straight in my stomach.

The loud noises filled my ears, the sound of the sea flying other me, the sound and smell of the sick rushing through my nose. Nervously I looked round as there were  boats on the sea, which looked dull.  I could hear the bombs going and the sea splashing against the boat. No one knows what was going to happen. All they know it is the closest we will get to Hell.

The bang of the boat hitting the sand. The whack of the ramp. Quickly veryone got their gear, while the adrenalin rushed through my body. We all tried to run, however guns were fired. My best friend was shot but I could not go help because I had to keep going

BANG! Looking around there were loads of people dead on the floor.  Bang a bullet hit my hat. You could see that blood was coming from my shoulder because of my uniform was changing colour. I must have been SHOT! …