Maths for the week commencing 1st March 2021


Flashback day 1 answers

Spr6.6.1 – Forming equations on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS6-Forming-equations-2019



Flashback day 2 answers

Spr6.6.2 – Solve simple one-step equations on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS7-Solve-simple-one-step-equations-2019



Flashback day 3 answers

Spr6.6.3 – Solve two-step equations on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS8-Solve-two-step-equations-2019



Flashback day 4 answers

It’s World Book Day! So try this investigation into ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.’

Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe



Flashback day 5 answers

Spr6.6.4 – Find pairs of values (1) on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS9-Find-pairs-of-values-1-2019


French week beginning 22.2.21

Week beginning 22.2.2021

Year 6

Hope that you are all well and that you had a good Easter break.

This week in French I am going to set you a small project. I would like you to research the Eiffel Tower.

TASK A- Here are a set of questions for you to answer and research:

1- Where in the world is the Eiffel Tower?

2- How many meters tall is the Eiffel Tower?

3- What year was the Eiffel tower built?

4- What is the nickname of the Eiffel tower?

5- Who is the Eiffel Tower named after?

Bonus question: How many metal parts approximately were used to build the Eiffel Tower?


To go with the answers to the questions you could illustrate your work or create your own Eiffel Tower. You could make it out of straws, Lego, paper or whatever you choose or you could draw it or paint it if you wish. Here are a few ideas:

Here is a website to start your research:

Bronze: draw or create your Eiffel tower.

Silver: draw or create your Eiffel tower and answer all the questions.

Gold: Add extra facts about the tower.

It would be great if you could bring your project in school when we get back so that we can share it with the rest of the class.

Bonne Chance! (Good luck!)

Keep safe and well.

Mrs Soal



Maths for the week commencing 22nd February 2021


Flash back day 1 answers

Spr6.5.1 – Find a rule – one step on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS1-Find-a-rule-one-step-2019


Flash back day 2 answers

Spr6.5.2 – Find a rule – two step on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS2-Find-a-rule-two-step-2019


Flash back day 3 answers

Spr6.5.3 – Forming expressions on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS3-Forming-expressions-2019


Flash back day 4 answers

Spr6.5.4 – Substitution on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS4-Substitution-2019


Flash back day 5 answers

Spr6.5.5 – Forumlae on Vimeo


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS5-Formulae-2019

French week beginning 8.2.21

Week beginning 8.2.2021

Year 6


Hope that you are all well and keeping your minds busy.


Last week you had to research “La Chandeleur”. I hope you were able to find all the answers to the questions. This week, I would like you to complete TWO different activities.

  1. Look at the Power Point (“Les crepes”) I have attached and use it to create 3 sentences telling me what you favourite pancakes are. You can use “et” (and) and “avec” (with) to make your sentences longer. Write them or type them.

Example: Sur mes crêpes j’aime le chocolat

Sur mes crêpes j’aime du citron et du sucre avec des fraises.

  1. Create a poster about “La Chandeleur” using the answers to your questions. You can write an explanation in English about the French tradition and illustrate your poster by adding picture, labels in French and colours. Use the recipe and the PPT I have added to help you with adding words in French. You can include one of your sentences on your poster.Les crepes PPT

Keep your poster to bring it in or post a picture of it so that we can have some on display in the classroom when we get back together.

I have also included a recipe in French for you to make pancakes at home if you can.

Bonne Chance (Good luck!) and enjoy the pancakes!

Keep safe and well.

Mrs Soal




Maths for the week commencing 8th February


Flashback day 1 answers


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-2-ANS2-Equivalent-FDP-2019



Flashback day 2 answers


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-2-ANS3-Order-FDP-2019



Flashback day 3 answers


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-2-ANS4-Percentage-of-an-amount-1-2019



Flashback day 4 answers


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-2-ANS5-Percentage-of-an-amount-2-2019



Flashback day 5 answers


Answers: Y6-Spring-Block-2-ANS6-Percentages-missing-values-2019

French week beginning 1.2.21

Week beginning 1.2.2021

Year 6


Hope that you are all well and keeping your minds busy.


This week I would like you to research a French tradition. (It is also a tradition in England but there might be a few differences and you can compare the two. )

This tradition is called “La Chandeleur”. So I would like you to answer the following questions about it in order for you to discover what it is…

  • What day and date is La Chandeleur celebrated?
  • Where does the word come from?
  • Why is it celebrated?
  • What do the French do on that day?
  • What do they eat on that day?
  • Is there another pancake day in France? What is it called? What is the date for that event?

When you have found the answers, watch the short animation about “La chandeleur” here and see how much you can understand. Make notes in English about what you understood.

Keep safe and well.

Enjoy researching!

Bonne Chance! (Good luck!)

Mrs Soal





You can find information about La Chandeleur here: